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Our tutor is Zoltan Szekerczes.

✅  Seven years of full-time GMAT tutoring experience at his own company: Highway Education Bt.

✅  Five years of Quant Editor experience at a US company: Target Test Prep

✅  GMAT Club profile with a verified 99th percentile GMAT score

✅  Master’s degree in Economics — Specialization in Applied Statistics

✅  Recommendations on LinkedIn from dozens of one-on-one tutored GMAT students

✅  Member of Mensa HungarIQa

✅  Member of the Triple Nine Society

Knowledge, skill, and perseverance

To succeed on the GMAT, you’ll need knowledge, skill, and perseverance. Our tutor can give you knowledge, can help you develop skill, and can motivate you to maintain perseverance throughout your preparation.

Whether MSc or MBA, the choice is yours.

You can study the highlights of the European as well as worldwide MSc and MBA programs if you check the Financial Times rankings.

If you are looking for information primarily about US schools, then check the U.S. News rankings.

Other great programs that seek high GMAT scores:

2+2 Program at Harvard Business School
Master of Finance at MIT Sloan
MSc Finance at London School of Economics
MSc Data Science for Business at HEC Paris
PhD Programs at Harvard Business School

The GMAT Exam

What is the GMAT Exam?

The Graduate Management Admission Test, or the GMAT Exam, is an entrance exam used worldwide by the best MBA and MSc programs in finance or management. The exam score is valid for five years, and you can get your score sent to your target universities anytime within these five years.

The exam is a computer adaptive test during which you will see only one question at a time on the computer screen. If you give the right answer to a question, the next question will be harder, whereas a wrong answer will result in an easier next question. Soon you can get questions so difficult that answering them will require very intensive thinking at the highest level of your intellectual capacity. In other words, the exam can be very difficult, even if you are very well prepared.

What are the sections of the GMAT Exam?

Section Questions Timing
Quantitative Reasoning 21 45 min.
Problem Solving    
Data Insights 20 45 min.
Data Sufficiency    
Multi-Source Reasoning    
Table Analysis    
Graphics Interpretation    
Two-Part Analysis    
Verbal Reasoning 23 45 min.
Reading Comprehension    
Critical Reasoning    


Where can you try the GMAT Exam?

After creating your account at, you can access the online tool GMAT Official Practice, which contains 70 free practice questions and 2 free practice exams and provides an experience very similar to that on the real exam. However, I recommend that you first try the practice questions only and that you take the practice exams in a later phase of your preparation, because only 6 official practice exams, including the free ones, are available.

Tutoring Prices


Hungarian students online

30 ezer Ft/óra   Pay as you go
25 ezer Ft/óra   10-hour prepaid package
20 ezer Ft/óra   20-hour prepaid package


International students online

140 EUR/hour   Pay as you go
120 EUR/hour   10-hour prepaid package
100 EUR/hour   20-hour prepaid package




Book a free 30-minute initial consultation with our tutor!

If you are interested in knowing more about the GMAT or the one-on-one tutoring services we provide, don’t hesitate to book a free 30-minute consultation on Google Meet with our tutor.